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Release the mouse button and then the Shift key. Press and hold the Shift key, and drag to the right, almost to the right edge of the artboard. Type 3. Press Enter or Return. Note: Depending on the resolution of your screen, the Transform options the Y value may not appear in the Control panel. Position the pointer below the horizontal line you just created circled in the figure. Click and drag to create a rectangle that has a Width of 5. The new rectangle will have a stroke weight of 50 pt, which you will change.
Press the letter D to apply the default fill and stroke to the rectangle. It doesn't have to be exact. Leave the extras. The spiral paths are grouped together, which means that if you select one, you select them all.
Applying color Applying colors to artwork is a common Illustrator task. Click the Fill color in the Control panel to reveal the Swatches panel. Select the Black swatch. Press the Escape key to hide the panel. Position the pointer over the brown colors. Change the stroke color. The result.
Working with the Shape Builder tool The Shape Builder tool is an interactive tool for creating complex shapes by merging and erasing simpler shapes.
Next, you will change the rectangle you created, using the Shape Builder tool. Click and drag down and to the right edge of the rectangle, until you see a height of approximately 1 in in the gray measurement label. Release the mouse button. Position the pointer over the blue center point of the ellipse, and drag straight up. Stop dragging when the pointer snaps to the top edge of the rectangle and the pointer turns white.
In the Ellipse dialog box, change the Width to 1 in and the Eleight to 1 in. It will snap. As you move the pointer around the artwork, the edges of each object will highlight. Position the pointer just above the ellipse at the top of the selected shapes see the X in the figure , and drag down into the rectangle. This combines those two shapes into one.
Holding down the Alt Windows or Options Mac OS key, drag into the portion of the circle that overlaps the corner of the rectangle so that the circle is cut out of the rectangle in the lower-left corner.
Release the mouse button and then the key. Do the same for the circle in the lower-right corner. This removes the highlighted shapes. Position the pointer as shown in the first part of the figure. When the gray measurement label shows a Width of approximately. Click and drag down, away from the center of the line. When the measurement label shows a Width of 0, release the mouse button.
Press the Down Arrow key on your keyboard several times to move the swirls down so that they are touching the path you just edited. Creating and editing gradients Gradients are color blends of two or more colors that you can apply to the fill or stroke of artwork. Next, you will apply a gradient to the stroke of a path. Click the Apply Gradient Across Stroke button m.
Press the Escape key to close the colors panel. Drag the color stop. Next, you will place an image of wood. Make sure that the Link option in the dialog box is selected, and click Place. Illustrator recognizes when a file has been saved with Layer Comps and opens the Photoshop Import Options dialog box. The file in this example has been saved with two different Layer Comps. Choose without text from the Layer Comp menu, and then click OK at the bottom of the dialog box. The image of the wood is placed on the artboard.
Next, you will trace the Photoshop file. The image is converted to vector paths, but it is not yet editable. Click the Auto-Color button m at the top of the Image Trace panel that appears.
Close the Image Trace panel. The Image Trace panel has many options for changing how the image is traced. The wood image is now a series of vector shapes that are grouped together. Working with the Color Guide panel The Color Guide panel can be used as a tool for color inspiration while you create your artwork.
Next, you will create and save a series of colors. Position the pointer over the brown swatches. Choose Shades from the Harmony Rules menu. This saves the colors at the top of the Color Guide panel as a color group in the Swatches panel. Illustrator provides sample swatches of each type in the default Swatches panel and lets you create your own patterns. In this section, you will focus on creating, applying, and editing a pattern made of the wood.
Click OK in the dialog box that appears. You can make a pattern from selected artwork or start with nothing. The pattern is added as a saved swatch in the Swatches panel. Select Size Tile To Art. Change the H Spacing and V Spacing to This selects the wood group. The rest of the wood shapes that you see as part of the repeating pattern are there to help you visualize what the pattern will look like.
X LOOend. Click the Fill color in the Control panel, and choose the wood grain pattern swatch in the panel. Press the Escape key to hide the Swatches panel. Next, you will edit the pattern swatch. In the Swatches panel, double-click the swatch named wood grain to edit the pattern. In the Adjust Colors dialog box, change the Cyan value to 80 and the Magenta value to The wood pattern now has a purple cast to it.
Note: You're wood pattern may not be positioned within the sign shape exactly the same as in the figures and that's okay. You will reposition the text later in the lesson. Type Fine Handmade Chocolates. Type adobe cas to filter the font list to Adobe Caslon Pro you may not need to type the entire phrase.
Type 26 pt in the Font Size field, and press the Enter or Return key. See the figure for placement help. With the Selection tool, drag the pasted text shapes onto the sign rectangle, above the other text. Working with drawing modes Drawing modes allow you to draw inside of or behind existing shapes or to draw in the default Normal mode, which typically layers shapes on top of each other.
Next, you will paint inside of a rectangle, using a drawing mode. In the Rectangle dialog box, change the Width to 4. A green alignment guide will appear when it snaps.
Create a rectangle. Drag the rectangle into position. Enter Draw Inside mode. Notice that the rectangle now has dotted lines around the corners, indicating that content that you paste or draw will be inside the rectangle shape.
Working with brushes Brushes let you stylize the appearance of paths. You can apply brush strokes to existing paths, or you can use the Paintbrush tool to draw a path and apply a brush stroke simultaneously. Scroll down in the panel, and click the Mop brush.
Position the pointer over the left end of the rectangle you just created. Click and drag from left to right, past the right edge of the rectangle.
Repeat this several times to partially fill the rectangle with the brown-colored strokes. The idea is to create a wood grain. Select other brown stroke colors in the Control panel and try adding some new strokes to enhance the wood grain. Fine Handmade Chocolates bottom of the Tools panel, and 10 11 Drag the copied text object down on top of the rectangle that contains the painting.
Center it vertically as best you can. Tine Handmatk Chocolates. Select the Type tool T in the Tools panel, and click the copied text object to insert the cursor. Do not type the period. Choose Black from the Swatches panel. Change the Stroke weight to the right of the color to 10 pt.
Press the Escape key to hide the panel that appears. Click the Stroke color at the top of the list in the Appearance panel, and select White. Change the Stroke weight to 5 pt. Edit the stroke alignment. Add a new stroke. In the Offset Path dialog box, change the Offset to You may need to scroll down in the panel. In the Inner Glow dialog box, choose Darken from the Mode menu. Click the white color preview square next to the Blending Mode menu to specify a color for the glow in the Color Picker dialog box.
Click OK in the Color Picker. Change the Blur to 1 in, and click OK. In the Drop Shadow dialog box, choose Normal from the Mode menu. Change the X Offset and Y Offset to. Click OK in the Drop Shadow dialog box. Position the pointer just off the upper-left corner of the purple sign, in the blank area, and click.
In the Ellipse dialog box, change the Width to. Position the pointer above the ellipse, on the horizontal path. Drag until the gray measurement label shows a distance of 1. Type 75 pt into the first Dash field, and press the Enter or Return key to close the Stroke panel.
Position the pointer. Drag to create a line. Change the Stroke options. Shift-click the edge of the ellipse to select both objects. Drag the group toward the right edge of the sign shape.
Release the mouse button and then the modifier keys. If you don't see the Align options, click the word Align in the Control panel to open the Align panel. The number of options displayed in the Control panel depends on your screen resolution. Aligning content Next, you'll align the content for the sign horizontally. Working with perspective You will now create some chocolate pieces in perspective. This centers the grid on the first artboard.
Position the pointer over the Origin point at the bottom of the grid circled in the figure. Press the number 1 on the keyboard to ensure that you draw on the left grid plane.
Click and drag up and to the left to create a rectangle that is three gridlines wide and two gridlines high. With the Rectangle tool selected, position the pointer over the origin point again. Click and drag up and to the right to create a rectangle that is three gridlines wide and two gridlines high.
Click and drag across, snapping the pointer to the upper-right point of the second rectangle you drew. Working with symbols A symbol is a reusable art object stored in the Symbols panel.
You will now create a symbol from artwork. With the group still selected on the first artboard, click the New Symbol button D at the bottom of the Symbols panel. The group of objects now appears as a saved symbol in the Symbols panel. Click the Next button Q in the lower-left corner of the Document window to navigate to the second artboard. Release the mouse button and then the keys when it roughly matches the size in the figure. Resize the chocolate piece, making it smaller than the first.
Position it as in the figure, and leave it selected. There is no difference between these two symbols in Illustrator. That's okay. Use the figure as a guide. Drag the symbol onto the artboard. Click the Graphic Styles panel icon H.
Click the Drop Shadow graphic style to apply the appearance formatting. This lesson takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. If needed, remove the previous lesson folder from your hard disk and copy the LessonOl folder onto it. To make the best use of the extensive drawing, painting, and editing capabilities of Adobe Illustrator CS6, it's important to learn how to navigate the workspace.
The workspace consists of the Application bar, the menus, Tools panel, Control panel, Document window, and the default set of panels. Click OK if you see this dialog box. Then, open the finished art file for this lesson to see an illustration. Choosing to fit the artboard in the window fits the active artboard into the Document window so that you can see the entire artboard. The artwork file contains the front and back of a brochure. Docked on the right side of the screen, you will see the default panels that appear as icons.
Illustrator also consolidates many of your most frequently accessed options in the Control panel below the menu bar. This lets you work with fewer visible panels and gives you a larger area in which to work.
In the Save As dialog box, name the file brochure. Click Save. If a warning dialog box appears referencing spot colors and transparency, click Continue. In the Illustrator Options dialog box, leave the options at their default settings and click OK. Why use Adobe Illustrator? Vector graphics sometimes called vector shapes or vector objects are made up of lines and curves defined by mathematical objects called vectors, which describe an image according to its geometric characteristics.
As a result, vector graphics are the best choice for artwork, such as logos, that will be used at various sizes and in various output media. You create and manipulate your documents and files using various elements such as panels, bars, and windows. Any arrangement of these elements is called a workspace. When you first start Illustrator, you see the default workspace, which you can customize for the tasks you perform.
You can create and save multiple workspaces — one for editing and another for viewing, for example — and switch between them as you work. Below, the areas of the default workspace are described: A.
Application bar B. Control panel C. Panels D. Tools panel E. Document window F. Status bar A. The Application bar across the top contains a workspace switcher, a menu bar Windows only, depending on screen resolution , and application controls. The Control panel displays options for the currently selected object. Panels help you monitor and modify your work. Certain panels are displayed by default, but you can add any panel by choosing it from the Window menu.
Many panels have menus with panel-specific options. Panels can be grouped, stacked, docked, or free-floating. The Tools panel contains tools for creating and editing images, artwork, page elements, and more. Related tools are grouped together. The Status bar appears at the lower-left edge of the Document window. It displays information and navigation controls. This is a program preference setting that allows you to choose a brightness setting from four preset levels or to specify a custom value.
In this section, you will change the setting to see its effect, and then you will change it back to the program default. You can adjust the brightness of the user interface using set options in the Brightness menu. You can drag the Brightness slider beneath the Brightness menu to the left or to the right to adjust the overall brightness using a custom value. The canvas is the area outside of the artboards in your document. Note: The Tools panel shown here and throughout the lesson has two columns.
You may see a single-column Tools panel, depending on your screen resolution and workspace. You'll see additional selection tools. Drag to the right. Release the mouse button over the additional tool to select it. For more information, see "Keyboard Shortcuts" in Illustrator Help. Any tool in the Tools panel that displays a small triangle contains additional tools that can be selected in this way.
Each click selects the next hidden tool in the hidden tool sequence. Drag the pointer over the arrow at the end of the hidden tools panel, and release the mouse button.
This separates the tools from the Tools panel so that you can access them at all times. The tools return to the Tools panel. Next, you'll learn how to resize and float the Tools panel. Click the double arrow again to expand to two columns. Just be careful not to double- click the X or the double arrow.
The Tools panel is now floating in the workspace. Drag the Tools panel so that it floats in the workspace. Click again to display the Tools panel in two columns. When the pointer reaches the left edge, a translucent blue border, called the drop zone, appears. Release the mouse button to fit the Tools panel neatly into the side of the workspace. You can click text that is underlined to display a related panel For example, click the underlined word Stroke to display the Stroke panel By default, the Control panel is docked at the top of the application window Windows or screen Mac OS ; however, you can dock it at the bottom, float it, or hide it altogether.
Once the Control panel is free-floating, you can drag the dark gray gripper bar that appears on the left edge of the Control panel to move it to the top or bottom of the workspace. This resets the Essentials workspace. You'll learn more about resetting workspaces later in the lesson.
When the pointer reaches the bottom of the Application window Windows or screen Mac OS , a blue line appears, indicating the drop zone in which it will be docked when you release the mouse button. When the pointer reaches the bottom of the Application bar, a blue line appears indicating the drop zone.
When you release the mouse button, the panel is docked. Working with panels Panels, which are located in the Window menu, give you quick access to many tools that make modifying artwork easier. By default, some panels are docked and appear as icons on the right side of the workspace.
Next, you'll experiment with hiding, closing, and opening panels. Notice that the Swatches panel appears with two other panels— the Brushes panel and Symbols panel. They are all part of the same panel group. Click the Symbols panel tab to view the Symbols panel. Notice that a new panel group appears, and the panel group that contained the Swatches panel collapses.
A check mark to the left of the panel name indicates that the panel is already open and in front of other panels in its panel group. If you choose a panel name that is already selected in the Window menu, the panel and its group collapses. Click the double arrow at the top of the dock to expand the panels. Click the double arrow again to collapse the panels. Use this method to show more than one panel group at a time. Your panels may look different when expanded, and thats okay.
Click to expand. Click to collapse. The dock collapsed. To decrease the width, click and drag the left edge of the docked panels to the right until the text disappears. Press Tab again to show them all again. Notice that the panel stays collapsed as an icon when it is free-floating. Click the double arrow in the Swatches panel title bar to expand the panel so you can see its contents.
Pi 4th - 26th, It's that tUV of year again! The farm comes to Ilf pumpkin festival is back. You can also move panels from one panel group to another. Drawing in perspective 6. Keys for selecting 7. Moving Selection 8. Editing Shapes 9. Moving Selection Arrow Keys Move selection in user-defined increments 7. Some may already in large list, but many are not. Website: Copyright Total views 40, On Slideshare 0. From embeds 0. Number of embeds Downloads Shares 0.
Comments 0. Likes 2. You just clipped your first slide! Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Visibility Others can adobe illustrator cs6 shortcut keys windows pdf free download my Clipboard. Activate your free 60 day trial. Illustrator provides many shortcuts to help you get work done faster.
Many keyboard shortcuts appear when you hover over icons in the command menu. Download and print a handy one page reference of some helpful keyboard shortcuts for Illustrator. Set origin point and open dialog box when using Rotate tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool. You can export the list of default and custom keyboard shortcuts for tools and menu commands in Illustrator as a text document by following the steps given below:.
Click Export Text on the lower-left corner of the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. Default keyboard shortcuts Sohrtcut Search. Notes: The following list includes the most helpful shortcuts.
You may find additional shortcuts in menu commands and tool tips. Choose green from the Class menu in the Property inspector. Now remove the class. Insert the cursor anywhere in the formatted text. When the cursor is inserted in Design or Code view. Creating custom IDs he CSS id attribute is given the highest speciic weight in CSS styling because it is used to identify unique content on a webpage and therefore should trump all other styling.
Right-click the selector name and choose Edit Selector from the context menu. Note the ID displayed in the Property inspector. Note that the menu has two apparent options: apDiv1 and logo. You can demonstrate this functionality with a simple test. You see this diference as soon as you insert an AP div into a document: Dreamweaver creates a rule for it automatically and assigns it attributes for width, height, position, and z-index, and it then displays these speciications in the Property inspector.
In fact, the special treatment persists even after the rule is created. If you change the id attribute of the AP div in the Property inspector, Dreamweaver will update the name of the rule in the CSS Styles panel at the same time. However, the reverse is not true. If you change the rule name using the style sheet as you did in this lesson , Dreamweaver does not change the ID on the element itself.
The program leaves this chore up to you. What happened to apDiv1? Additionally, as each ID stored in the style sheet is used in your layout, Dreamweaver interactively removes it from the menu to prevent you from accidentally using it a second time.
Many designers create these attributes irst and then deine them later, or use them to diferentiate speciic page structures, or to create hyperlink destinations. Some class and id attributes may never appear in the style sheets or pop-up menus.
Examine the available class attributes. Note that all class attributes are available. You should now know some of the diferences between classes and IDs, as well as how to create, edit, and assign them to elements on your page. Creating an interactive menu By combining descendant selectors, classes, and IDs, you can produce amazing behaviors from seemingly static elements.
Videos, Flash animation, and JavaScript behaviors will all perform as they would on the Internet. Observe the behavior and appearance of the menu items. P Note: Rollover refers As the mouse moves over each button, the cursor icon changes to the hand back to the time when pointer, indicating that the menu items are formatted as hyperlinks.
Observe the behavior and appearance of the menu items, if any. Do not select the spaces on either making changes to your side of the word or the vertical bars, or pipes, that separate the words. If Adding a hash mark in the Link ield creates a hyperlink placeholder and desired, you can change will allow you to create and test the necessary formatting for the horizontal both the content and navigation menu without having to create an actual link.
Note that the text now styling using the Code displays the formatting of a typical text hyperlink. Be sure to select both words in each item before applying the placeholder. Watch for any undesirable side efects. The a:link pseudoclass in many cases is interchangeable with the a selector in CSS rules. However, as you already experienced earlier, a:link is more speciic and may override speciications assigned to the less speciic a selector if both are used in the style sheet.
This speciication is reset whenever the browser cache or history is deleted. When used, the pseudoclasses must be declared in the order as listed above to be efective.
Remember, whether declared in the style sheet or not, each state has a set of default formats and behaviors. When a link has been used, it usually changes color, indicating that you visited that destination earlier.
However, in the vertical and horizontal menus, we do not want the links to change their appearance after you click them. To prevent or reset this behavior, you can create a compound rule that will format both states of the link at once.
Type :link to add it at the end of the selector name. Type a comma , and press the spacebar to insert a space. By combining these two selectors into one rule, you are formatting the default properties of both hyperlink states at once. Position the cursor over the hyperlink placeholders in the horizontal menu. But these hyperlinks have none of the lair of the vertical menu, with its changing background color.
As explained, that interactive behavior is controlled by the pseudoclass a:hover. Save the ile. Select the nav p a:link, state inherits much of its formatting from a nav p a:visited rule in the CSS Styles panel. In most he New CSS Rule dialog box appears with the Compound selector type cases, you only need to declare values for displayed and the text. Edit the Selector Name to say nav p a:hover, nav p a:active, and click OK.
You can create a more interesting efect by add space outside the adding a little padding to the element. Double-click the nav p a:hover, nav p a:active rule to edit it. Luckily, the solution to this problem is quite simple. Have you igured out what you need to do? It can be used to delete a rule property or the entire rule, depending on how it is invoked. Before using it, note the tooltip that appears when the cursor hovers over it.
When the mouse moves over the links, the background color extends ive pixels around the link without shifting. Do you understand why you added the padding to the default hyperlink? By adding padding to the default state, the hover state automatically inherits the extra padding and allows the background color to work as desired, without shifting the text. To be consistent, the colors used in the site should adhere to the overall site theme.
Since you know that the hover state is responsible for creating the interactive link behavior, it should be a simple matter to change the background color in the vertical menu.
Observe the names and the order of elements in the tag selector display. Is there an a:hover pseudoclass associated with it? In the Background category, change the background color to By applying diferent colors to each border, you can give the but- tons a 3D appearance. As in the previous exercise, you irst need to locate the rules formatting the elements.
Observe the attributes displayed in the Properties section of the panel. Enter solid, 1px, in the Right border ields. Enter solid, 1px, in the Bottom border ields. Enter solid, 1px, 0C0 in the Left border ields. Before After By adding lighter colors to the top and left and darker colors to the right and bottom, you have created a subtle but efective three-dimensional efect.
Creating faux columns Although multicolumn designs are very popular on the web, HTML and CSS have no built-in commands to produce true column structures in a webpage. Instead, columnar designs—like the one used in the Dreamweaver CSS layouts—are simu- lated by using several types of HTML elements and various formatting techniques, usually combining margins and the loat attribute.
HTML5 and CSS3 can display text in multiple columns, but for the time being, the page layouts themselves will still depend on the older techniques.
Unfortunately, these methods have their limitations and downsides. For example, one of the problems with the layout used in this lesson is getting both columns to display at the same height. Either one column or the other will almost always be shorter.
Since the sidebar has a background color, there will be a visible gap at the bottom as content is added to the main page. Many designers sidestep the issue alto- gether simply by refusing to use background colors. Instead, you will create the efect of a full-height sidebar column by using a back- ground graphic combined with the CSS repeat function.
Examine the tag selector display. Examine its properties. In the Background category, click the Browse button. Select divider. Right-click the button and choose Code Navigator from the context menu. Chances are a margin setting is producing the spacing efect. Select the bottom-margin setting in the Properties section. It makes the process of testing and uploading quick and simple.
But an internal style sheet can style only one page. An external style sheet can be linked to any number of pages and, for most web applications, is the normal and preferred worklow. Dreamweaver provides the means to handle that task quickly and easily. Hold the Shift key P Note: The last style and select the last style. You could also right-click the selected area to access the Move CSS Rules option from the context menu. Click Save. Note at the top of the document window that Dreamweaver now displays the name of the external style sheet in the Related Files interface.
More than one style and referenced that have been changed are sheet can be linked to a page. By creating and attaching style sheets optimized for not automatically saved. For example, the style sheet created and applied in the previous exercises was designed for a typical computer display. Print style sheets often adjust colors to work better for laser and inkjet printers, hide unneeded page elements, or adjust page sizes and layouts to be more suitable for printing.
When the print queue is activated, the printing application checks for a print- media style sheet. If one is present, the relevant CSS rules are taken into account. Displaying the style rendering toolbar If no media-type attribute appears in a style sheet, the browser or web applica- tion assumes that the CSS styles are intended for screen display.
However, you have the ability to switch what media type is rendered in Design view by using the Style Rendering toolbar. Leave it visible for the next exercise. Make sure the site root folder is targeted. From the Media ield menu, choose print. At the moment, both style sheets are identical.
You will modify the print style sheet in the next exercise. Using the print- media style sheet, you can hide unwanted portions of a page. Before you can hide these menus, we need to create a new rule. Delete repeat-y from the Background-repeat ield.
Deleting the image reference is not enough. Click the Live view button. Although the Style Rendering toolbar is set to Print, Dreamweaver ignores the print-media styles and renders the page for the screen. To properly test the page, you have to use the print preview function in an actual browser. P Note: Some 15 Once the page has loaded in the browser, activate print preview.
Always test printing the butterly logo and the page borders. In the Border category, what other styles you if necessary, select the Same For All option in the Style section.
Choose none need to modify for from the Top Style ield. You should know enough now to keep the butterly logo from printing, too. Take a few minutes here and see if you can do it. Whenever you can remove unneeded code from your pages, you should do so. It reduces ile size and allows the pages to download and respond more quickly. You can delete unneeded styles using the CSS Styles panel.
Click Yes to delete multiple rules. In fact, you can remove all the rules that format hyperlink behavior. After deleting any rules, make sure you test the page in the browser and in the print application.
Observe the screen display in Design view. Dreamweaver renders the document for the web. Dreamweaver renders the screen using the print style sheet. You have adapted a screen-media style sheet to render a webpage more appropriately in print. You have completed the basic design of the page that will be used as the project template, and you have adapted it to print media. In the next lesson, you will learn how to convert this layout into a dynamic web template.
Observe the design and structure of this page. Note the mouse icon Dreamweaver displays. Type Get a fresh start with GreenStart to replace the text. Select your default browser. For all intents and purposes, a template-based page is just a normal HTML ile. Creating a template from an existing layout A template is a type of master page from which related child pages are produced.
Templates are useful for setting up and maintaining the overall look and feel of a website, while providing a means for quickly and easily producing site content.
A template is diferent from the pages you have already completed; it contains areas that are editable and other areas that are not. Templates enable a workgroup environment where page content can be created and edited by several people on the team, while the web designer is able to control the page design and speciic ele- ments that must remain unchanged.
Or, if you are starting from scratch in this exercise, in the lesson06 folder. Because of their special nature, templates are stored in their own folder, Templates, which Dreamweaver automatically creates at the site root level. Leave the Description ield empty. If you have more than one ilename, like adding template in a site, a description may be useful. P Note: A dialog box may appear asking about saving the ile without deining editable regions; just click Yes to save anyway.
An untitled dialog box appears asking whether you want to update links. Since the template is saved in a subfolder, updating the links in the code is neces- sary so that they will continue to work properly when you create child pages later.
Although the page still looks exactly the same, you can identify a template in two ways. Second, the ile extension is. A template is dynamic, meaning that Dreamweaver maintains a connection to all pages within the site that are derived from it. Whenever you add or change content within the dynamic regions of the page and save it, Dreamweaver passes those changes to all the child pages automatically, keeping them up to date.
Some sections of the page should contain areas where you can insert unique content. Dreamweaver allows you to designate these areas of the page as editable. Inserting editable regions When you irst create a template, Dreamweaver treats all the existing content as part of the master design.
Child pages created from the template would be exact duplicates, except that the content would be locked and uneditable. You get around this barrier by deining editable regions in the template.
First, give some thought to which areas of the page should be part of the template and which should be open for editing. Each editable region must have a unique name, but there are no other special conventions.
However, keeping them short and descriptive is a good practice. In Design view, you will see the name in a blue tab above the designated area, identifying it as an editable region. It contains an P Note: If you are image placeholder and caption that you can customize on each page.
But it also building this template using an alternative includes the vertical menu, which will hold the main navigation links for the HTML 4 layout site. Adding a title to each page is a good practice. Each title should relect the speciic content or purpose of the page. But many designers also append the name of the company or organization to help build more corporate or organizational awareness.
Adding the name in the template will save time typing it in each child page later. P Note: The Update You now have two editable regions, plus an editable title that can be changed as Template Pages dialog needed when you create new child pages using this template.
Since there are no template child pages made from this template. Once a child page has open a template in a been created from a template, only the content within the editable regions can be text editor, all the code modiied in the child page. If you editable regions of the open the page in a text editor, like Notepad or TextEdit, the code is fully editable. Dreamweaver creates a new page based on the template. Note the name of the template ile displayed in the upper-right corner of the document window.
Before modifying the page, you should save it. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the root folder for your project site. Certain areas, such as the header, menu bar, and footer, are locked and cannot be modiied. Type About Meridien GreenStart to replace the text. Type GreenStart — green awareness in action! Select the placeholder text Insert content here in the MainContent region. In the Select Image Source dialog box, select shopping.
But only areas outside the editable regions will be updated. Typically, it is grouped with the Files panel. Click the refresh icon if no templates appear in the list. Type GreenStart Home to replace the text. Type Headlines to replace the text. Select the Show Log option at the bottom of the dialog box to display a report detailing which pages were successfully updated and which ones were not. Observe the page and note any changes.
At the same time, the boilerplate elements of the header, footer, and horizontal menu all remain consistently formatted and up to date based on the status of the template. Dreamweaver even updates linked documents that are open at the time.
If Dreamweaver or your computer were to crash at this moment, the changes would be lost and you would have to update the page manually or wait until the next time you make changes to the template to take advantage of the automatic update feature. Library items are reusable bits of HTML—paragraphs, links, copyright notices, tables, images, navigation bars, and so on—that you use frequently but not on every page within a website and therefore would not necessarily include in the site template.
You can use existing page elements or create original library items from scratch and add copies of them where needed. A library item is a like a template, only on a small scale. As with templates, when you make and save changes to a library item, Dreamweaver automatically updates every page that uses that item.
In fact, they are so similar in behavior that some worklows may favor library items over templates altogether. Or, you could implement common page elements using library items. No items appear in the library for this lesson.
A dialog box appears explaining that the library item may not look the same when placed in other documents because style sheet information is not included. Type vertical-nav in the Library Item Name ield. First, to be uploaded to the it creates a library item from the selected menu code and inserts an Untitled server.
Second, it replaces the existing menu with the library item code. And third, it creates a folder called Library at the site root level to store this and other items.
Working with library items is similar to using a template. You insert the library item on each page as desired and then update the items as needed. Position the cursor over the vertical menu. Observe the menu display.
Switch to Code view. Insert your cursor in the selected code. P Note: A dialog box may appear at any time in this or the next two steps warning you that the changes you made will be discarded the next time you update the page from the template. Select a browser from the list. Dreamweaver is keeping track of the library item and your edits, intentional or otherwise. As you will see shortly, the change you made will be short-lived. Finally, a dialog appears warning you that you have made changes to code that was locked.
It further explains that the original code will be restored the next time you update the template or library item. P Note: The manual change to the library item will remain in the menu for the time being. Save all changes. Dreamweaver updates any pages in the site that use the library item and reports the results of the process. At least one page should be updated. Library items allow you to insert repeatable content throughout the site and update it without having to open the iles individually.
Formatting is applied via CSS in the actual page layout. Select the text News and type Headlines to replace it. Observe the vertical menu. Observe the vertical menu in Live view. As you can see, using library items and templates can save you a lot of time when you want to change and update more than one page.
But Dreamweaver still has one more trick up its productivity sleeve: server-side includes. Unlike library items, SSIs must be stored on the web, preferably in your site folder. On the upside, server-side includes are the most eicient and timesaving way to add reusable HTML code elements to a large number of pages.
On the downside, dozens or even hundreds of pages on your site could depend on one ile to operate correctly. Any error in the code or path name, even a minor one, could cause your entire site to fail. For small sites, library items can be a perfectly workable solution. For large sites, it would be hard to live without SSIs. In this exercise, you will create an SSI and add it to a page in your site. In this exercise, you will create an SSI from the code creating the vertical menu.
In Design view, right-click the vertical menu. Select Detach From Original in the context menu. A dialog box appears explaining that if you make this item editable, it will no longer be possible to automatically update it when the original changes.
Select Blank Page from the Category section. Note that the Untitled document is a completely formed webpage.
P Note: If you copy elements in Code view, he code is deleted, leaving an empty window. Navigate to the site root folder. Name the folder includes. Select the newly created includes folder, if necessary.
Name the ile vertical-nav. You have completed the SSI for the vertical menu. In the next exercise, you will learn how to insert it into a webpage.
A command inserted in the code of any page on your site would make a call to the server to add the HTML include in the indicated location. Depending on the type of server you are using, the exact markup may vary. It will also afect the ile extension you use for both the SSI and the webpage ile itself.
If you save the ile with the default.
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